Energy Productivity Playbook paves way for global emissions reductions

by Brianna Crandall — May 27, 2016 — The Global Alliance for Energy Productivity recently announced the release of the Energy Productivity Playbook. This document details how public sector, private sector and nonprofit organizations can collaborate to double an economy’s energy productivity — generating twice the economic benefit from each unit of energy consumed — by putting in place a policy infrastructure that supports and drives investment in energy efficiency.

The Playbook sets forth guidelines for developing Energy Productivity Policy Roadmaps, which are strategic policy plans that can be implemented at the national or subnational level.

Clean energy markets around the world are undergoing a revolution as countries, companies and citizens seek paths to prosperous economic futures that also protect the environment, notes the Alliance. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and thereby achieving the 21st Conference of Parties in Paris goals will reportedly require public and private sector leaders to reexamine every aspect of global energy use, from how energy is produced to how its consumption is managed.

Studies indicate that more than one-half of the energy consumed today is wasted, making energy efficiency the world’s largest energy resource. And, as it is readily available and cost-effective, energy efficiency should be the first resource used by governments globally to achieve the goal of holding temperature warming to below 2°C, says the Alliance.

Tackling climate change is but one reason, albeit a critical one, for driving the deployment of energy efficiency. It is also said to be critical that world energy productivity improve rapidly. By improving energy productivity, the performance of economies around the world can grow and improve. The ultimate goal of the Global Alliance for Energy Productivity is to double global energy productivity; doing so will increase prosperity, create jobs and enhance global energy security.

In order to accomplish this goal, it is critical that governments engage in forward-looking, aggressive target setting to ensure the widespread adoption of energy-efficient technologies and practices that will reduce today’s “shocking” waste of energy and help to double global energy productivity, asserts the Alliance.

Rachel Kyte, special representative of the U.N. Secretary-General and CEO of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) and chair of the Steering Committee for the Global Alliance for Energy Productivity, commented:

The Global Productivity Playbook is a new tool that aims to catalyze international action in order to achieve the SE4All goal of doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. Leadership from mayors, prime ministers and presidents — as well as corporate decision makers — is critical in order for the world to invest in the efficient technologies and practices that will yield the necessary energy productivity outcomes.

We must follow the lead of the cities, companies and countries that are setting the standard for success. We need a race to the top, and SE4All will provide the needed momentum to promote that.

The 32-page Energy Productivity Playbook: Roadmaps for an Energy Productive Future is available from the Alliance to Save Energy Web site.