Cleaner, more efficient coal-based technologies to drive new power-generation growth, finds Frost & Sullivan

by Brianna Crandall — January 13, 2017 — The relatively high efficiencies and production rates of renewable energy sources are highlighting the need to make coal-based technologies clean and more effective, according to a recent report from growth partnership company Frost & Sullivan. Coal-based power production accounts for approximately 41 percent of global electrical energy produced, and will continue to dominate the market for the next two decades. Government funding and private participation are already bringing promising coal-based power generation technologies to the forefront.

Frost & Sullivan TechVision Research Analyst Guhan Sriram R V explained:

Efficient oxygen carriers and combined cycle plant techniques are propelling the power generation market forward. Within the next five years, the development of efficient materials for chemical looping combustion (CLC), along with improvements in reliability of integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants and carbon sequestration efficiencies, can be expected.

Power Generation Technologies of the Future, analysis from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Energy and Utilities subscription, offers continuous tracking and monitoring of both technology and product developments. The study also covers advancements, market and technology trends, and predictions that will result in the creation of new markets, products and services, business models and even new industries within the energy and utility sector.

Beyond 2020, CLC will begin to take over as — similar to CO2-based power generation technologies — it is approaching the commercialization phase, according to the report. Coal-fired magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) is another promising technology, although it is said to be still in the early stages of development.

Sriram noted:

For now, IGCC will dominate clean power production. The technologies that IGCC [is] based on, like gasification and steam turbine-based power production, are quite well established, and any development in these technologies can be easily incorporated to IGCC to improve its performance.

According to the report, these solutions hold the potential to drive adoption by improving combustion rates significantly, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and increasing efficiencies through better carbon capture opportunities.

Power Generation Technologies of the Future is available for purchase from the Frost & Sullivan Web site.