How to prepare for change in an unpredictable business climate

2020 and its pandemic have brought many unforeseen changes to businesses--see how they can plan ahead and get through these changing times

In a world dominated by change that never could have been foreseen, organizations must depend on leadership from its managers and supervisors, whose job responsibilities are changing to accommodate the latest changes.

In 2020, the biggest change, of course, is brought about by the novel coronavirus pandemic. Many workers are working from home; companies are developing guidelines for how they are to return to the workplace, and the guidelines vary from company to company.

For the workers who return, many are finding that the office environment has changed. Workstations are spaced further apart; conference rooms are smaller and equipped with more communications equipment than before; there are new “rules” for those who come to the office, covering everything from checking in to the building, to where and when to eat in the cafeteria, to which aisles in the office are one-way. Ventilation systems are being modified.

The discussion on how the pandemic has impacted the work environment is vast, and involves many strategies that need to be implemented by the facilities management department working together with management and the health and safety group. For more on the strategies, we refer you to the guide developed by FMLink (A Facilities Manager’s Guide to Reopening and Occupying Buildings Safely); it may be downloaded as a PDF. Besides the strategies, it includes a very comprehensive resource bibliography.

For purposes of this article, the pandemic has resurfaced why organizations must be prepared for unforeseen change. What is most interesting is that this preparation is not that different from the types of preparation that were recommended before the pandemic began. And that will be the focus of this article.

The article organizes these tips for adapting to change into three areas:

  1. Becoming aware of your current situation
  2. Understanding change
  3. Building your skills and knowledge

We then provide some additional tips that fill in what managers and supervisors need to know to be best prepared for unforeseen changes. For each of the three sections, we include a brief discussion of how it can apply to changes caused by the pandemic. Even when the pandemic is over, these discussions serve to illustrate the types of thoughts that must be considered in order to cope with change.

Becoming Aware of Your Current Situation

What is going on now in your job? If you don’t know, you must take steps to find out! Relevant questions to ask include:

  • What is the mission of your unit?
  • What is the purpose of your job?
  • What are your key responsibilities and assignments?
  • What does your management expect of you?
  • What obstacles stand in your way?
  • What resources do you have at your disposal?
  • How well are you performing?
  • How do peers and managers view the importance and performance of your unit?
  • What changes are coming?

If you are unable to answer questions like these, you should begin immediately to “do your homework,” for you are in a prime position to be overwhelmed by unexpected forces of change.

People often miss important information when they employ selective perception, habit, and specialization to keep themselves from being exposed to ideas they might not want to hear. While this is human nature, it is not a good strategy for handling change. Instead, supervisors should face their fears and broaden their sources of information to explore new ideas. By increasing their awareness of change through a willingness to take in new information, they will have a distinct advantage over those who tend to isolate themselves.

While you are gathering information, try to spot the trends which may be signaling change on the horizon. Look for seemingly isolated facts that may “fit together” like the pieces of a puzzle. When you think you have spotted a trend, you should investigate it in further detail. Don’t just react to change; anticipate and prepare for it.

Impact of the pandemic on understanding the current situation

Your mission, purpose and key responsibilities do not change because of the pandemic. To the extent possible, management’s expectations remain the same. The remainder of the above questions must be answered in a way that determines how you best can satisfy your goals given the current situation; this will vary from organization to organization.

Then there is the million dollar question: What changes are coming? That is where one needs to project, as best as one can. Think of how the workplace will change as well as how the organization may need to accommodate remote workers. This will impact the space layout, the office location, budgeting for equipment in the office and home, the need for remote office locations, and many more items. The more the facilities manager can be prepared, the better the organization will fare when the change occurs.

Understanding Change

Compare your reaction and a small child’s reaction to thunder. You ignore it, but a child may be anxious and seeks assurances from the nearest adult. It’s only human to fear the unknown—confidence comes with understanding. From long experience, you know that thunder is a natural phenomenon that cannot harm you. The child does not yet understand it. That is why an important step toward coping with change is understanding it: what is happening, why, and how.

Is your department being reorganized? Are you worried about the impact on you? That’s natural. But don’t fall victim to rumors, speculation, or the inclination to assume the worst. Wait for your boss to explain why the reorganization is being done, how the new department will work, and what specific changes will result. It is likely that the changes represent an improvement of some sort. If your manager does not explain the change to you, ask about it.

Flexibility and a willingness to embrace change will make you a more valuable member of your organization—one who can reliably deal with many different opportunities and circumstances. You may not like all the changes that are occurring, but you can be sure that if you resist them, you will not prosper. It is fine to voice your opinion and make suggestions, but it is also important to appreciate that competition and technology are constantly combining to force top management to reevaluate company operations. It is helpful to look on changed circumstances and the challenges they present with the attitude of a new employee and, as a new employee would, take on these challenges enthusiastically and with a desire to learn all you can to perform well.

When you recognize the possibilities created by change, you’re more prepared to exploit them. You will find change as not something to fear, but as something to welcome and turn to your own advantage.

Impact of the pandemic on understanding the changes

Perhaps, more than any other consideration, the pandemic illustrates the importance of strong leadership from management; this is leadership in which the workers will have complete confidence. The confidence will come from management’s ability to remove the unknown and the fear that come from the pandemic. Two big ones are:

  • What will happen to my job?
  • From where will I be working?
  • What support will be given to me both to get my job done and to communicate with fellow workers?
  • How may my life be impacted (e.g., my health and safety, changes to my commuting patterns, day care for my children, where I eat lunch and take my breaks, etc.)?

Management must address these concerns in a way that instills confidence in the workers. Obviously, the solution for each organization will be different. But because the above concerns will strongly impact a worker’s health, financial security and general well-being, they are particularly important for the changes caused by this pandemic.

Building Your Skills and Knowledge

Adapting to change frequently requires the effective use of all your acquired skills. In some cases, adapting to change will call for the use of other skills as well—skills which you might not yet have mastered, or even begun to acquire! In a fast-changing work environment, skills also become obsolete. To be prepared to deal with change successfully, it is important to build as many skills as you can before their use becomes essential for organizational survival. You don’t want to be caught short in a crunch.

You can never stop learning if you want to maintain your value in the job marketplace. Nor can you wait for your employer to send you to seminars or pay for additional education. You need to take responsibility to educate yourself. Doing so will help you keep your skills current, and it will demonstrate an initiative for self-improvement that makes you a more visible and viable candidate for a promotion or new assignment.

You may also want to consider making lateral moves to learn new skills and become a well-rounded employee. Read trade magazines and attend conferences, when possible. Take refresher training in your area of competence. Enroll in a college course that interests you, even one not given for credit. See if your professional association offers training sessions and workshops. Look into correspondence or distance education. If circumstances allow, pursue an advanced degree. If college is not an option, broaden your reading and personal study. Join others with similar interests to form a discussion group or study team. Read a technical manual or recent review of research in an area of interest to you.

This is the one of the most important tips for adapting to change, because it places you ahead of the curve: anticipating change and implementing it before many people think to adapt. It is important to keep your learning skills fresh; learning how to learn is also too valuable a lesson to allow it to atrophy over time. The bottom line is, the more you know how to do and the more current your skills and your ability to apply them effectively, the more valuable you are to an organization.

Impact of the pandemic on building your skills

The bottom-line for this Tip is that because new information about the pandemic is constantly evolving, it is essential for management to remain well-read and current. What was considered at-risk behavior one month ago may now be considered safe, and vice-versa. Remedies that were thought to be valid may no longer be effective. This is not a time to keep current by attending conferences, but rather by reading as much material from reputable online sources (especially the health-related organizations) and gathering notes from specialized webinars.

Other Tips

Besides these major efforts, you can also take smaller measures to ensure that you are compatible with change and adapt easily to it:

Embrace Technology

Embrace technological change and learn how to use it for your own benefit. Don’t run from new technologies; try them! Some people are afraid to try new technology for fear of looking foolish or old fashioned in front of others—particularly younger people who are more technologically adept. If you are uncomfortable with new technology, try it out in the privacy of your own home, or in the presence of trustworthy friends and teachers.

Impact of the pandemic on technology

There are lots of examples of how technology is playing a major role during the pandemic, including:

  • Methods of contactless temperature checks and check-ins to buildings.
  • Contact tracing.
  • HVAC and lighting controls.
  • Contactless devices (door latches, hand dryers, faucets and other plumbing devices, sanitizers, etc.).

Increase Your Speed

Greater opportunities come to organizations that can respond quickly. Customers value speed in providing services and delivering orders and are sometimes willing to pay extra for a quick response. Employees who are fast and flexible generally reduce costs by minimizing their expended time on a project. As a supervisor, you need to continuously review how you can reduce the time spent on work, either in increments or in quantum leaps. Always look for breakthroughs, especially in information technology, that will allow you to get more done faster and with fewer people.

Learn to Live with Ambiguity and Uncertainty

Most people do not like ambiguity or uncertainty, which are major sources of anxiety, but they are also facts of life in this fast-changing world. Often you will have to make decisions without having all the facts you need or knowing with any certainty what will happen. But, if you are willing to accept ambiguity and uncertainty and not let them prevent you from trying new things, you ultimately enhance your value to the organization. Learning to improvise and adapt to different and unexpected situations will give you important skills that will help you progress in your career.

Act like an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are always concerned with doing their best and getting the most out of their employees. Why? Entrepreneurs behave this way because it’s their company, their responsibility to keep customers satisfied, their reputation, and their money. These factors provide them with powerful incentives to perform at a high level. An entrepreneurial attitude can also serve managers and employees well. Having an entrepreneurial attitude can provide you with the extra push to cut costs, improve productivity, and go out of your way to keep customers satisfied. As change continues and organizations begin to use more outside contractors, you may become one yourself. An entrepreneurial attitude will help prepare you for that possibility.

Add Value to the Organization

The organization should always be able to make a profit on your work. If you add value, you bring in a return on your work that is higher than your cost to the organization. If that is not the case, your job is in peril. This is especially true today, when organizations are eagerly looking for ways to cut costs. Always ask yourself whether your activities add value or add costs for the organization. When someone asks what you are contributing, be able to provide specific examples of what you do and the difference you are making.

Know Your Niche

As a service provider (a description that covers all facilities managers), your job is to provide services to customers, whether internal or external. You need to understand your customers’ needs and then go out of your way to fulfill them. It is therefore important to keep in close contact with the customers you serve. As their needs change, make sure you are aware of those changes and continuously improve your provision of services—in terms of reliability, quality, and cost. If there is any key to job security, it lies in taking care of those who depend on you.

Be a Fixer, Not a Blamer

In any organization, there will always be problems that arise from changing circumstances. In noting these problems, some people get the reputation of being complainers rather than problem solvers. Those who complain and blame are not helping themselves or the organization. There are two difficulties with playing the blame game.

  • Most problems are due to common cause, meaning no one person or event can be identified as the cause.
  • Don’t treat these problems as though there were an identifiable cause, which gets in the way of solving them.

To become a fixer, you should identify the source of the problem and suggest direct actions to deal with it. The person who blames doesn’t solve problems; the person who fixes does, and becomes a valued member of an organization as a result.


Organizational change is not optional to keep pace with business. All organizations, at one time or another, face substantive modifications to some aspect of their business. Managers can prepare themselves to adapt successfully to a more rapidly changing business environment by following a variety of tips, as outlined above.


This article has been updated by FMLink. It is based on another article published on FMLink, which was excerpted from BOMI International’s Administration. The guide can be purchased by  visiting