Are your hospital facilities facing pressure to be more efficient? This report shows the value of intelligent building solutions

by Brianna Crandall — April 6, 2018 — A new report from Navigant Research examines the pressures healthcare organizations face, and how the adoption of intelligent building solutions can increase efficiencies and patient satisfaction.

Demands for improved economic performance are pushing healthcare organizations to look for new ways to create profit and reduce costs while also increasing the quality of patient care. Intelligent building solutions can help accomplish these goals through the use of connected devices, intelligent analytics, and enterprise platforms.

According to the new report, integrating disparate systems with intelligent building solutions can make hospital facilities more efficient, productive, and sustainable — in much the same way as this can do in other facilities.

Christina Jung, research analyst with Navigant Research, pointed out:

Integration in hospitals refers to the integration of various systems, such as building automation systems, real-time location systems (RTLSs), nurse call, and admission, discharge, and transfer (ADT) systems. When these systems communicate, hospitals can both reduce operating costs and deliver better patient care.

Navigant Research recommends that hospitals integrate business planning and technology strategies to capture the value of their intelligent building solutions, while also leveraging available data to gain competitive advantages against emerging players in other industries. Meanwhile, according to the report, vendors should promote the advantages of intelligent building solutions beyond energy and operational efficiency, such as enhanced occupant comfort, improved space utilization, and more.

The report, Intelligent Building Solutions Bring Competition, Profitability, and Benefits to the Healthcare Industry, examines the opportunities presented by a more value-based, efficient practice of medicine. The study looks at the pressures healthcare organizations face and the subsequent adoption of intelligent building solutions. It also discusses how these solutions will increase energy efficiency and patient satisfaction by integrating building and clinical systems.

Recommendations are provided on how to communicate the advantages of intelligent building solutions and how best to benefit from these solutions. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research Web site.