FM and green building professionals in China will be able to upskill with new BREEAM training

by Brianna Crandall — March 22, 2017 — Facilities managers and other green building proponents in China may be glad to know that U.K.-based building science authority BRE’s training arm the BRE Academy is partnering with British/Chinese green building consultancy NSD to deliver an extensive program of BREEAM training across China.

This initiative reflects a growing interest in the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) green building rating system in China and the move to upskill built environment professionals so they can deliver against government-set sustainable development targets.

Under the terms of the agreement, the three partners — NSD, BRE China and BRE Academy — will work together to deliver BREEAM Awareness, BREEAM Accredited Professional (AP) and BREEAM Assessor courses in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, and other major cities. The first training sessions under the agreement were held in February in Beijing.

In the last few years, BREEAM has steadily grown its presence in China, with 62 projects currently registered under the program. All these projects aim to meet the international BREEAM standard as well as China’s own building regulations and local green building standard.

BRE China President Jaya Skandamoorthy noted:

Our goal is to grow the local knowledge base and expertise in green buildings and sustainable development in China. This training agreement is a significant milestone to achieving this goal and in supporting China to deliver greater sustainable outcomes that can be benchmarked internationally.

For further information about the BREEAM Training in China, visit the page on the BRE China Web site.