IRPMS is now a fully integrated data management system, capable of providing reports on all aspects of project and real property asset management.
The U.S. Department of State’s (State) Office of Real Property Management (RPM) manages approximately 8 million square feet of the agency’s domestic real property assets in over 100 office buildings and warehouses nationwide. Facilities include commercial leased space, Federally-owned and agency-owned buildings.
Annually, RPM manages approximately $20 million in facility renovations. RPM provides project and construction management; architectural, engineering and space design; selection, procurement and installation of furniture and finishes; and assures compliance with life-safety regulations and security requirements for all domestic State organizations.
Prior to the Integrated Real Property Management System (IRPMS), cuff or spreadsheet reports were used to track real property assets but these were not linked to billing records. No comprehensive program allowed for the consolidation of current and historical lease components or monthly General Services Administration (GSA) ROW (Rent-On-Web) statements. Maintenance of records on space occupancy by organization or office was labor-intensive and the end result was often inaccurate.
No single program or database existed which allowed us to document and integrate all phases of our renovation projects, including tracking of funds, to include obligations and expenditures. As a consequence, project tracking was often incomplete, or inaccurate, which severely inhibited our ability to provide adequate oversight and management of our real property assets.
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As a result of this need, and our inability to find an “off the shelf” solution, RPM developed IRPMS. It simplifies and enhances work flow processes, eliminates duplication of effort, is user friendly, and provides management with easy, quick, and up-to-date project data. IRPMS provides the user the ability to create customized reports. Security is maintained by restricting sensitive information to only those with a “need-to-know” while providing the “client” the capability to review the status of their project on a “read only” basis.
IRPMS is comprised of the following:
Building, Lease, and Rent Module
- Building Data
- Lease, Supplement Lease Agreement (SLA), Occupancy Agreement and Rent Data
- Project Funding
- Project Management
In Development
- Migrating the system to a web-based application
- Merging building and space project data with floor plan database
- Provide historic building information
Ms. Lynn Wheat
Deputy Director
Office of Real Property Management
U.S. Department of State