by Brianna Crandall — January 25, 2016—Reliable Controls has launched a new Internet Data Service (IDS) for RC-Toolkit that enables users to configure MACH-Pro(Web) controllers to poll weather services over the Internet and map retrieved values to BACnet objects.
New Internet Data Service (IDS) for RC-Toolkit enables users to configure MACH-Pro(Web) controllers to poll weather services over the Internet and map retrieved values to BACnet objects.
These objects can then be trended, employed in operational sequences, and displayed in graphics and energy dashboards.
Mapping weather conditions and forecasts into Internet-enabled controllers is extremely helpful when preheating or pre-cooling commercial buildings or when adjusting the amount of free cooling available to a facility, explains the company.
For more information, visit Reliable Controls’ RC-Toolkit Web page. The company notes that its customers who are saving energy in over 30 countries around the world.