by Brianna Crandall — June 10, 2016 — Newly released research from the second annual Workplace Index conducted by Staples Business Advantage, the business-to-business (B2B) division of office supply retail giant Staples, offers fresh perspective on employee retention and recruitment, workplace culture, employee productivity and burnout implications, as well as the role facilities managers can play in boosting employee satisfaction and productivity, and the need to look out for themselves.
A full 70% of U.S. office workers and managers report working more than 40 hours a week, and the majority consider the office the most productive place to get work done. But findings from the Index indicate that heavy workload is taking a toll on employees — so much so that nearly half report burnout is motivating them to look for another job.
Most employees say they are working longer hours simply to catch up on work they could not tackle during an eight-hour day. That workload is taking a toll. Consider:
- 64% of respondents say their workplace has contributed to stress
- Nearly half report feeling overworked is motivating them to look for another job
- 13% have even taken a workplace stress-related leave of absence
FMs also need to learn to manage burnout and workplace stress themselves. The “9 to 5” schedule seems long gone, as 95% of FMs report they work more than 40 hours a week, compared to 77% of all U.S. workers. Unfortunately, the long hours and heavy workload exact a price; more than a third of FM respondents indicate they have had to take a leave of absence due to stress in their job, while just 13% of all U.S. workers said the same.
The Staples Business Advantage Workplace Index is a comprehensive study involving office workers and business decision makers in the United States to help companies meet their recruitment, retention and engagement goals. This year’s study was created in conjunction with Jacob Morgan, best-selling author of The Future of Work, futurist, and co-founder of the Future of Work Community, a brand council of the world’s most forward-thinking organizations who come together to explore the future of work.
Morgan says the study shows there is a “tremendous opportunity” for organizations to design employee experiences “where employees truly want to show up.” Despite an increasing number of employees opting for telecommuting and on-demand workspaces, 66% of employees consider the office as the most productive place to get work done. And 36% say it is the most inspiring place to work as well, more than any other location.
As workers spend more time in the office, employers, building owners and facilities managers can take an active part in keeping employees healthy, productive and inspired. The research shows that prioritizing wellness, empowering productivity, and enhancing office design can go a long way toward attracting and retaining employees.
Offer wellness programs and well-stocked breakrooms
A full 62% of respondents say the availability of a wellness program is a selling point when looking for a new job, but 58% say their workplace does not offer one. In a wellness program, employees report they are looking for fresh foods, onsite gyms and other perks that help improve health and fitness.
Additionally, employees want their kitchen, lounge, café or breakroom to be well stocked. The survey found successful breakrooms continue to lead to happier and more productive employees, as well as a more social environment and less stress.
Break down productivity barriers so workers can get more done during the workday
Three out of four respondents say their employers do not give them access to the latest technology to help them do their job more efficiently.
Workplace distractions also impact productivity, with top responses being loud co-workers, people coming to talk, and e-mail overload.
Design with purpose to ensure employees are in an environment that works for them
There is still work to be done when it comes to office design, as the majority of survey respondents describe their office as standard, plain and dull — even if they are in an open or hybrid environment. Respondents are looking for natural light, private spaces, standing desks, lounge areas, and ergonomic and flexible furniture for multiple uses.
The Staples Business Advantage Workplace Index 2016 was conducted online among 1,995 employees in the United States (936 classified as general office workers and 1,059 as business decision-makers) by Morar Consulting in March 2016. More information is available on the Index site and from the Staples Business Advantage Resource Center.