ACEEE develops energy efficiency strategy for South Carolina

by jbs111709 h3 — November 23, 2009—A study released November 11 shows that a combination of energy and water efficiency policies could cut electricity and water bills for South Carolinians by $5.1 billion and create almost 22,000 new “green” jobs by 2025.

The study, South Carolina’s Energy Future: Minding Its Efficiency Resources, was conducted by the Washington, D.C.-based American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), with input from many South Carolina citizens. The report examines the potential electricity and water efficiency savings that could be realized in South Carolina through the implementation of 11 electric and five water efficiency policies, and quantifies the growth in gross state product and employment that would result from these investments.

For the first time in any of its state-based efficiency reports, ACEEE performed an analysis of the potential for water efficiency as well as added three new energy efficiency measures of interest to the state: improved efficiency in manufactured housing, implementation of a behavioral awareness program, and a rural/agricultural initiative.

ACEEE developed a suite of eleven electric and five water efficiency policy suggestions based on successful models implemented in other states and in-depth consultation with stakeholders in South Carolina. Eight of the electric policies would be eligible to contribute towards a utility savings target that would be required by an energy efficiency resource standard (EERS) that would be set at 18% of projected sales in 2025.

Samples of the building-related policies include: Advanced Building Initiative; Combined Heat and Power; Manufacturer Initiative; Building Energy Codes; Expanded Demand Response Programs; Plumbing Efficiency Standards; Water Efficient Landscape Irrigation; and Conservation Pricing of Water and Sewer Service.

The full report is available for free download from the ACEEE Web site, or a hard copy can be purchased for $60 plus $5 postage and handling from ACEEE Publications, 202/507-4000.