by AF 0601 e3 — June 5, 2009—The Spanish group, Aplicaciones en Informatica Avanzada (AIA Group) announces that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted the company a patent on AGORA (Advanced Grid Observation Reliable Algorithms), its system to operate electric transmission networks.
AGORA is working on the electric power grid of California through the U.S. subsidiary, EleQuant, Inc. The granting of this patent marks a milestone for AIA by acknowledging that the model optimizes control and minimizes losses in electric power grids, according to the company.
AGORA, says AIA Group, offers proven solutions to the challenges faced by electric utilities operating high voltage grids and companies distributing mid and low voltage. Electrical grid networks have become more complex with the growth of renewable energy sources, intelligent meters and control elements like Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems, which require new intelligent tools to optimize operations.
AGORA represents a new generation solution for network operations, increasing the reliability of the transmission networks and dramatically decreasing the risk of congestion, instability, or voltage collapse. It also provides real-time support to blackout restoration.
For details, visit the AIA Web site.