AIHA releases 2009 ERPG, WEEL handbook

by Jbs032709 g3 — March 30, 2009—The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) has announced the release of its latest ERPG and WEEL Handbook. This pocket-sized emergency reference guide presents a clear overview of two important and well-established sets of exposure limits.

There are 137 ERPGs and 113 WEELs, explains AIHA. Recommended values for each series are contained in the handy booklet, along with other important information. This format is valuable for quick reference, but the exposure limits should always be used in conjunction with the documentation provided in each full set of ERPGs and WEELs, cautions AIHA.

The guide is separated into two main sections. The ERPG section includes: background information and user guidance; ERPG value rationale; sample ERPG document; list of ERPG values (approved, balloted, under review, and under consideration); a carcinogenicity model; and list of current ERPG Committee members.

The WEEL section includes: background information and user guidance; important definitions (8-hr TWA; short-term TWA; ceiling values; skin notation; unusual work shifts); a sample WEEL document; a list of WEEL values and WEELs under review, including guidelines and special situations; and list of current WEEL Committee members. Also included is an extensive glossary, applicable to both ERPGs and WEELs.

To order a copy of this handbook (stock number 978-1-935082-07-1) or other AIHA publications, visit AIHA’s Marketplace Web page.