ASHRAE book offers guidance for making data centers more energy efficient

by Rebecca Walker — January 21, 2011—More than 50 percent of the total energy consumption of data centers can be attributed to the power and cooling infrastructure that supports the IT equipment housed in them. Guidance in a new book from ASHRAE aims to help reduce that energy use through proven, easy-to-implement tips.

Tips for Data Centers identifies techniques for optimizing energy efficiency in existing data facilities. Many of the techniques can be implemented through simple operational changes, upgrades or modifications that require a relatively low investment and that cause little disruption to the existing operations of the IT equipment, says ASHRAE.

Tips such as how to install monitoring equipment or improve lighting efficiency provide insight into practical techniques that have proven successful in other data facilities and give owners and operators the confidence to implement similar techniques in their own facilities.

The book is part of the ASHRAE Datacom Series, developed to provide a more comprehensive treatment of datacom cooling and related subjects

The cost of Green Tips for Data Centers is $54 ($46, ASHRAE members). To order, contact ASHRAE Customer Service at 1-800-527-4723 (United States and Canada) or 404-636-8400 (worldwide), fax 404-321-5478, or visit the Web site.