ASHRAE, USGBC, BOMA and others launch series on energy efficiency for existing buildings

by AF 1117c3 — November 23, 2009—A publication from leading industry organizations provides guidance for the business case to achieve energy savings as much as 30 percent. Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers provides the rationale for making economic decisions related to improving and sustaining energy efficiency in existing buildings.

The book is a collaboration of ASHRAE, the American Institute of Architects, the Building Owners and Managers Association, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, the U.S. General Services Administration and the U.S. Green Building Council.

Here are tips that owners and managers need to know to make their buildings energy efficient:

  • Know your current energy utilization index (EUI) (kBTU/SF-year).
  • Establish a target EUI and an initial budget estimate for achieving this goal.
  • Conduct an internal energy study/audit (using ASHRAE’s Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits as a basis) or have the facility retro-commissioned by a certified retro-commissioning firm. This activity may result in a modification to the original estimated budget amount.
  • Identify energy efficiency measures with attractive rates of return on energy retrofit or renovation investments.
  • Implement the recommended energy conservation measures that will get the facility to the desired goal with the stipulated budget.
  • Commission the energy conservation measures by a certified commissioning firm. This process should include training of facility personnel on properly operating and maintaining equipment and systems.

The book is the first of three planned guides on energy efficiency. The second will be aimed at providing technical guidance in undertaking existing building renovation programs. The third will provide operation and maintenance guidance to help sustain the energy efficiency.

The cost of Energy Efficiency Guide for Existing Commercial Buildings: The Business Case for Building Owners and Managers is $69 ($59, ASHRAE members). It can be ordered through the ASHRAE bookstore.