by Brianna Crandall — November 11, 2016 — Global electrical safety technology provider Bender recently launched Powerscout, a new cost-effective Web-based monitoring tool that analyzes and reports on the health and condition of electrical installations and offers new possibilities in the area of proactive maintenance.
Through permanent monitoring, the Web-based software provides facilities, operational and energy managers an immediate real-time picture of the entire data for single or multiple site locations. The data is available remotely and enables proactive analysis and maintenance of the electrical infrastructure. It helps eliminate issues such as unplanned shut-downs, and it can also enable managers to identify potential sources of energy wastage.
Powerscout integrates the data from both Bender and third-party devices. The recorded data allows users to compare the power system performance of different buildings or site locations with all measured values systematically saved. Information on system residual currents and power quality forms the basis for verifying the integrity of the system without switch-off and is designed to fulfill the requirements of the IEC 60364-6 regarding periodic verification — an area of testing that facilities managers often find difficult to adequately fulfill.
The comprehensive and continuously updated monitoring tool is engineered to provide an effective method to identify the causes of malfunctions in a simple and easy way. Fault currents and gradually developing insulation faults can be detected in time to allow proactive maintenance. It therefore helps prevent unexpected disturbances or shutdowns, potential system failure, fire, or damage to expensive equipment — maximizing the availability of critical systems and helping cut costs.
The information is available remotely through a secure Web interface that can be accessed by authorized site staff or service partners. Data is accessed via tablet, smartphone, laptop, or computer log-in.
Powerscout is designed to reduce administrative effort and wasted engineer resources, enabling monitoring and reporting of information specific to the facility’s needs. For more information visit the Bender Web site.