BOMA, BOMI expand property / facilities management training collaboration

by Brianna Crandall — February 17, 2016—The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International and BOMI International, the Independent Institute for Property and Facility Management Education, announced their collaboration on several new initiatives, including:

  • An asset management certificate program to be offered at the BOMA International Conference and Expo;
  • Exploring international distribution of education offerings including courses leading to the commercial property management professional RPA designation;
  • Enhancing joint outreach to commercial real estate company training directors; and
  • Facilitating joint events between the respective boards of directors of both organizations.

The two organizations note that they realize the benefits of joint collaboration for the facilities management industry and industry professionals, and both see quality training and education of incoming FM professionals as critical to the success of the industry.

The first collaboration, an asset management certificate program, “The Business of Buildings: The Property Manager’s Guide to Asset Management,” will be offered at BOMA’s June conference. This six-hour course focuses on the fundamentals of asset management to help property managers better understand the asset management function.

Following the conference, BOMA and BOMI will modify the program for future use by BOMA local associations, conferences, and potentially online instruction.

In response to requests from BOMA’s affiliated organizations outside of North America, BOMA and BOMI International are pursuing an agreement to jointly offer their training abroad. From timely, topical education provided by BOMA to foundational education provided by BOMI International, they will seek to match their offerings to international market needs.

Together the two organizations continue to seek ways to anticipate and target the future training needs for the commercial real estate industry and to develop offerings to match a rapidly evolving marketplace.

BOMA and BOMI are committed to at least annually meeting with training directors to determine professional development needs, as well as convening their leadership groups together to brainstorm and partner where beneficial. Based on that outreach, they will identify areas where collaboration creates the most value in addition to their individual offerings.

The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of 91 BOMA U.S. associations and 18 international affiliates. Founded in 1907, BOMA represents the owners and managers of all commercial property types, including nearly 10.4 billion square feet of U.S. office space. Its mission is to advance a vibrant commercial real estate industry through advocacy, influence and knowledge.​​

BOMI International, a nonprofit educational organization founded in 1970, provides critical education and expertise to personnel with property, facility, and building systems management responsibilities. More than 27,000 industry professionals hold one or more BOMI International designations, and over 90,000 property and FM professionals have turned to BOMI International’s courses, certificate programs, and industry-standard designations to meet their continuing education, professional development, and staff training needs.