by Brianna Crandall — October 26, 2015—The Building Owners and Managers Association of Canada (BOMA Canada) recently presented a new brand for its national green building certification program, BOMA BEST (or “BESt” — Building Environmental Standards) .
Following an extensive engagement process with BOMA Canada membership and stakeholders across the commercial real estate industry, the new BOMA BEST brand will:
- Communicate environmental achievements unambiguously thanks to focused and simplified visual language;
- Reward a building’s environmental performance via an intuitive, five-level recognition system; and
- Reinforce the environmental mandate of BOMA BEST: to create a sustainable environment one building at a time.

The BOMA BEST achievement levels have been renamed, with the former “Level 4” now being called “Platinum.”
New level nomenclature:
- Platinum (formerly Level 4) is awarded to buildings that have met the BEST Practices and have achieved between 90 and 100% on the questionnaire.
- Gold (formerly Level 3) is awarded to buildings that have met the BEST Practices and have achieved between 80 and 89% on the questionnaire.
- Silver (formerly Level 2) is awarded to buildings that have met the BEST Practices and have achieved between 70 and 79% on the questionnaire.
- Bronze (formerly Level 1) is awarded to buildings that have met the BEST Practices and have achieved between 60 and 69% on the questionnaire.
- Certified (formerly Level 1) is awarded to buildings that have met the BEST Practices and have achieved up to 59% on the questionnaire.
According to BOMA Canada, more changes are on the way. The organization says it will post upgrades to its underlying program in 2016.