BOMA International adopts new policies on EV charging stations, e-cigarettes

by Brianna Crandall — March 5, 2014—The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International passed new policy positions as guidance for facilities owners and managers on electric vehicle charging stations and electronic cigarettes during the association’s recent Winter Business Meeting in Washington, DC.

BOMA’s new policy positions are:

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

BOMA International fully supports energy-efficient alternatives in transportation. With a growing number of electric vehicles (EV) on the road, a marketplace need is developing for EV charging stations. BOMA supports the rights of property owners to decide whether or not to install EV charging stations at parking facilities and opposes any mandates for the provision of EV charging stations or “EV-ready” infrastructure. BOMA believes the free market will meet the growing demand.

Electronic Cigarettes

BOMA International supports the rights of building owners to establish appropriate policies and procedures, subject to prevailing federal, state and local laws. Until such time as there is generally accepted evidence (as determined by a recognized federal, state, or local agency) regarding the public health effects of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), e-cigarettes should be treated similarly to conventional cigarettes and other tobacco products, says BOMA.

“BOMA’s new policy position on electric vehicle charging stations is a clear recognition of the growth of fuel-efficient and alternative fuel transportation trends, as well as our support of a buildings owner’s right to decide if EV charging stations are suitable for their building,” commented BOMA International Chair Rich Greninger, managing director with Carr Properties. “BOMA’s new policy position on electronic cigarettes supports building owners in their right to determine policy subject to current and applicable laws. The health and safety of building tenants and occupants is the top priority on this issue and owners have both the right and duty to take all measures necessary to protect those individuals.”

BOMA International’s Industry Issues Web page offers more information about the organization’s latest policy positions as well as other federal legislative and regulatory issues, such as building codes and voluntary standards, energy and the environment, insurance, and tax and finance.

The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of 93 BOMA U.S. associations and 14 international affiliates. Founded in 1907, BOMA represents the owners and managers of all commercial property types including nearly 10 billion square feet of U.S. office space. Its mission is to advance a vibrant commercial real estate industry through advocacy, influence and knowledge.