by Brianna Crandall — September 1, 2021 — The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International inaugurated a series of publications and videos earlier this year that explores the issues important to today’s commercial real estate industry. The all-new BOMA Deep Dive series offers the expert insights and context facilities managers (FMs) need to navigate the ever-evolving commercial real estate landscape.
As of the most recent release, the series currently consists of five publications and related videos on a variety of topics, highlighted below.
Deep Dive No. 1 (February 2021): Charting a Path to the Future of the Office
Simply put, the Covid-19 pandemic is changing things for the commercial office sector — and it seems to be doing so in stages. Charting a Path to the Future of the Office, the first in the series of BOMA Deep Dives, provides a comprehensive snapshot of the industry amid transformation and demystifies the road to “Workplace 2.0.” A bonus video contains an interview between the author of Deep Dive No. 1 and two BOMA members who served as experts for this first BOMA Deep Dive.
Deep Dive No. 2 (April 2021): Tenant Culture and the Psychology of the Return
Property professionals and tenant occupiers are busy preparing for the “Great Return” of office workers. While mask-wearing requirements and social distancing measures have their place in these arrangements, there also is a critical human element that must be considered. Tenant Culture and the Psychology of the Return, the second in the series, explores the role of the office in reconnecting a changed workforce. A bonus video contains an interview between the author of Deep Dive No. 2 and two industry experts who contributed to this BOMA Deep Dive.
Deep Dive No. 3 (May 2021): Health, Wellness and Sustainability Beyond Covid-19
Across the U.S., workers are returning to the office, businesses are opening to full capacity, and public health guidance is easing to reflect a growing population of vaccinated individuals. Behind the scenes, property professionals are working tirelessly to deliver health-centric environments that reflect the needs of tenants. Health, Wellness and Sustainability Beyond Covid-19 explores tenant well-being and highlights commercial real estate’s role in helping building occupants thrive during the early stages of pandemic recovery and beyond. A bonus video contains an interview between the author and three industry experts who contributed to BOMA Deep Dive No. 3.
Deep Dive No. 4 (July 2021): The Office Building’s Role in the Optimized City of the Future
Property professionals and their tenants are emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic with a renewed appreciation for the value of connectivity in the built environment. As they have discovered, a commercial property must be more than just technologically enabled to be considered connected in a post-pandemic world. Deep Dive No. 4: The Office Building’s Role in the Optimized City of the Future explores the essential role office buildings play in fostering a renewed sense of connection in their communities. This fourth installment challenges conventional wisdom about “smart buildings” and “smart cities” to uncover how innovation and strategic decisions made at the property level could help power a more sustainable, resilient and equitable future for occupants of commercial buildings — and the communities in which they reside. A bonus video contains an interview between the author and two industry experts who contributed to Deep Dive No. 4.
Deep Dive No. 5 (August 2021): Taking the Pandemic Pulse of Healthcare Real Estate
Despite the challenges of the past year and a half, the healthcare real estate sector has proven itself as a resilient asset class. Looking ahead, medical office buildings will be expected to reflect a new era in healthcare delivery, informed by the trends accelerated throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Taking the Pandemic Pulse of Healthcare Real Estate, the fifth installment, offers an overview of this sector’s performance amid disruption and identifies key considerations for both property professionals and tenants as they prepare for a future defined by factors such as ease of access, flexibility and technology integration. A bonus video contains an interview between the author and two industry experts who contributed to the Deep Dive.
To read the BOMA International Deep Dive publications and watch the bonus videos, visit the BOMA website.