British report shows benefits of investing in well-designed buildings

by Shane Henson — August 3, 2011—A new report released by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) provides evidence for how well-designed buildings can deliver tangible social and economic benefits to those who use them and invest in them.

Good Design—It All Adds Up brings together research from the U.K. and abroad to illustrate the benefits that good design in housing, education, health, the workplace and public spaces can bring, and what happens if that investment is not made. The research material is supported by case studies of 15 highly successful building projects that demonstrate how high-quality design has made a measurable and positive impact on the lives of every user, members of RIBA say.

Key findings in the report include:

  • Health: Patients with access to daylight and external views require less medication and recover faster. For medical staff, building efficient, effective, flexible facilities where they have more time to spend caring for patients and advising their families allows them to do their job at their best, reducing stress, fatigue and the chances of making mistakes.
  • Education: After students at the Bristol Brunel Academy moved to their new building, vandalism fell by 50%, and the number of pupils who said that bullying was an issue for them fell by 23%. A 2010 survey by the British Council for School Environments (BCSE) and Teacher Support Network highlighted how the overwhelming majority of teachers (95.8%) agreed that the school environment had an influence on pupil behavior.
  • Housing: At Westwood Estate in Peterborough, a survey revealed how the introduction of simple, affordable environmental improvements such as road narrowing and closing off alleyways to deter intruders made a dramatic difference to residents’ mental health and satisfaction with their housing development.
  • Growth and employment: The development of well thought-out urban spaces can revitalize run-down areas, promote business and increase employment.
  • Workplaces: The right workstation layouts, space allocations, air quality, acoustics and lighting can make the difference between a hard-working office and a less productive one.