BSRIA launches new heat interface units guide

by Brianna Crandall — December 21, 2015—Building services and engineering consultancy BSRIA has launched its new Heat Interface Units Guide, focused on the issues surrounding the application and installation of both direct and indirect HIUs for residential and small commercial applications within district or communal heat networks. The guide will assist specifiers, designers and installers in achieving a functional and efficient solution for space heating and hot water using heat interface units.

BSRIA defines a heat interface unit (HIU) as an essential part of the efficient delivery of heating and hot water to consumers on district and communal heating schemes. The HIU provides safe connection of the consumers’ space heating and hot water systems to the primary heat supply network together with the control function and metering.

The use of an HIU linked to a district or communal heat network in place of boiler can have significant economic and environmental benefits depending on the source of heat and structure of the network. However, successful operation depends on appropriate system design and specification followed by competent installation and maintenance, according to BSRIA.

Catherine England, BSRIA marketing officer, pointed out:

Heat networks are not a new idea. However, over the past 20 years there is increasing recognition that heat networks, enabled by the use of HIUs, particularly those associated with combined heat and power systems in urban areas, are a key element of a low carbon future.

Hard copies of the Heat Interface Units Guide (BG62 / 2015) are available for from the BSRIA bookshop for £30.00 (BSRIA members) and £60.00 (non-members). Digital downloads are free for members. The guide is also being sold as part of a set with a new CIBSE guide Heat Networks: Code of Practice for the UK (CIBSE / ADE CP1) since the two are complementary.