BSRIA study shows 2009 decline in solar market

by Jbs071310 e3 — July 16, 2010—BSRIA, “the built environment experts,” recently published the BSRIA World Solar Thermal Study 2010 for which BSRIA undertook research in 18 countries.

Researchers reported that five markets declined in 2009, adversely affected by the negative performance of the global economy: Germany, France, Spain, Italy and USA had declines varying between -8 percent and -27 percent, with Germany having the highest decline and the U.S. declining -8 percent.

The remaining 13 countries researched showed positive growth rates that vary between +5 percent and +54 percent. The largest market, China, continued to show strong growth, reaching an estimated sales figure of 32.2 million square meters in 2009.

In all countries researched, the most popular collectors are of the flat plate type. The only exception is China, where vacuum tubes are by far the most common type of collector found on the market.