BSRIA unveils new operations and maintenance benchmarking figures

by Shane Henson — July 2, 2012—BSRIA, a testing, instruments, research and consultancy organization that provides specialist services for construction, building services and facilities management, has released an operation and maintenance (O&M) benchmarking report as a guide for building operators to evaluate their performance against their peers.

According to BSRIA, the report includes real-life data on maintenance, energy, soft services and waste. The data was collated in consultation with members of the BSRIA’s O&M Benchmarking Network. With extensive expertise in helping facilities managers operate their buildings more efficiently, BSRIA is acting through the Network as an authoritative focal point for building operators aiming to improve their performance.

The new report is based on more than 120 sets of data that BSRIA received for analyzing this year. BSRIA asked members how they resourced their maintenance teams; over half had management and operatives outsourced to either single or multiple contractors. Other findings include:

  • The total maintenance cost across the building types is £18.88/m2 GIA (gross internal area); this is a decrease of £4.29 compared with last year.
  • The average total waste contract cost across all the building types is £1.85/m2 GIA compared with £1.62/m2 GIA last year. However; the recycling contract costs have nearly doubled across the building types.

Encouragingly, says BSRIA, some of the members of the Network have reduced their energy consumption in the past year. Data centers have a 35kWh/m2 GIA decrease in their benchmark; this data is from the same data centers as last year. General offices have also seen a decrease of 24 kWh/m2 GIA to their benchmark this year.