Bullfrog Power to supply Northern Façades manufacturing facility with green electricity, natural gas

by Brianna Crandall — December 1, 2014—Bullfrog Power, a Canadian green energy provider, and the Flynn Group of Companies, a North American building envelope trade contractor, announced a new green energy partnership that will see Flynn’s Toronto-based Northern Façades manufacturing facility “bullfrog-powered” with 100 percent green electricity and 100 percent green natural gas.

“Northern Façades’ products improve the energy efficiency of new construction, so it makes sense for us to ensure that we do our part to reduce the environmental impact of our manufacturing facility,” said Doug Flynn, CEO of the Flynn Group of Companies. “Choosing green energy for the Northern Façades manufacturing facility is a powerful example of how we’re giving our customers greener options for their building needs.”

Flynn’s partnership with Bullfrog Power means that Bullfrog’s generators put 100 percent green electricity and 100 percent green natural gas onto the respective energy system to match the amount of electricity and natural gas the Northern Façades manufacturing facility uses.

Across Canada, Bullfrog’s green electricity comes from a blend of wind and low-impact hydro power sourced from new Canadian renewable energy facilities.

Sourced from a unique, ground-breaking methane-capture project situated on one of Canada’s thousands of landfill sites, Bullfrog’s green natural gas is a climate-friendly alternative to conventional, polluting natural gas, says the company. Through this innovative technology, biogas is captured, cleaned up, and put into the national natural gas pipeline, displacing fossil fuel-based gas and reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

In addition to “bullfrog-powering” its manufacturing facilities, Northern Façades says it is dedicated to reducing its environmental footprint and providing products to improve energy efficiency. The organization is in the process of an LED lighting retrofit that is expected to realize energy savings of 60 percent. Product-wise, Northern Façades recently released its ISO Thermal Clip to help improve energy efficiency in new buildings. The ISO Thermal Clip System is a steel clip system for attaching cladding systems to various types of exterior insulated wall assemblies.