by Brianna Crandall — November 5, 2014—The Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) , a nonprofit trade organization dedicated to the promotion of smart home technologies and integrated and intelligent building systems, recently announced that it has assembled the “largest” connected home and intelligent buildings research library in the world. The organization concurrently compiles a tremendous amount of research on “machine-to-machine” (M2M) and “Internet of Things” (IoT) technologies.
The research resides within CABA’s online Member Research Library , which currently holds over 790 research reports, case studies and white papers. The CABA Member Research Library, which constitutes a key membership benefit of the organization, is assembled with aid from the CABA Information Council.
The CABA Information Council identifies and reviews white papers and research for the CABA Information Series, which is considered an authoritative source for technical information in the home and large building automation sectors. Information Series reports, in turn, populate the CABA research library.
“We are extremely pleased to be able to undertake this service for the industry,” stated Dr. Kenneth Wacks, principal of Ken Wacks and Associates, and chair of the CABA Information Council. “Our council executes subject matter reviews on a tremendous amount of industry data that can make businesses more competitive.”
Many of the reports are technical in nature, while others focus on business process or market size trends. “CABA is very proud to honor the efforts of this volunteer council,” stated Ronald J. Zimmer, CABA President & CEO. “Through their hard efforts, CABA continues to fulfil its mandate to provide the latest data, trends and analysis to its membership and the entire industry.”
As an added industry benefit, CABA provides access to older papers to the entire industry free of charge. CABA Information Series reports that have been issued three years previous are freely available for download in CABA’s Public Research Library. The public library also contains over 700 documents.