Canada Green Building Council launches video Web series

by Brianna Crandall — December 15, 2010—The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) announced on December 8 the launch of a video Web series called Seriously Green. The CaGBC has committed to four short green building videos to promote green building strategies and technologies and showcase Canadian projects. These videos will be made available online through YouTube and be used as a way to engage with CaGBC membership and the public.

The first installment, released December 8, provides viewers with the key concepts and terminology of green buildings and sets the stage for the videos that will follow. This episode introduces the CaGBC and touches on the main aspects of green building, namely site issues, water efficiency, energy efficiency, materials and indoor environments.

The second video in the series will be released in early 2011 with a focus on why owners are greening existing buildings. Ongoing Canadian projects will provide the backdrop for this video case study.