Carbon Trust, Siemens offer financing to U.K. businesses for environmentally friendly equipment

by Brianna Crandall — April 29, 2011—U.K. businesses can now apply for green equipment financing from Carbon Trust and Siemens. Worth up to £550 million over the next three years, the dedicated low-carbon finance program is the first of its kind, says Carbon Trust.

The program will enable U.K. businesses to invest in cost effective energy efficiency equipment and other low carbon technologies, such as new efficient lighting and biomass heating.

Siemens Financial Services U.K. Ltd will provide the financial backing and manage the provision of funding, while Carbon Trust Implementation Services Limited will use its expertise in carbon saving from energy efficient technologies to independently assess the carbon, energy and cost savings of any project.

According to Carbon Trust, this arrangement should enable the financing to pay for itself through energy savings and result in no net cost to the customer.