CEEDA supports British Computer Society’s efforts to upgrade data center green ratings

by Ann Withanee — January 17, 2011—Although the leading green building certification standards, such as LEED and BREEAM in the U.K., can all be applied to data center operations, those ratings do not do a lot to help keep costs and greenhouse gas emissions down once the computer facilities are up and running, according to Certified Energy Efficient Datacenter Award (CEEDA), created to develop the data center industry.

A new certification, launched last month by the British Computer Society (BCS), aims to bring together the best practices for data center operations and give owners a LEED-like rating as a badge of green quality.

The CEEDA is based on the European Union’s Code of Conduct for Data Centers and offers a Bronze, Silver and Gold rating for data centers.

In order to land one of the tiered ratings under CEEDA, data centers must be evaluated by third-party auditors on six areas: Data Center Utilization; IT Equipment and Services; Cooling; Data Center Power Equipment; Data Center Building; Monitoring.