by Rebecca Walker — July 5, 2010—Dauphin North America has introduced Perillo, a stunning contemporary lounge chair with futuristic design. Designed by German designer, Martin Ballendat, this eye-catching piece wraps around itself flowing seamlessly from backrests to armrests, from seat to floor positioned on a sleek metal base.
The company has also launched a lounge chair and coordinating foot stool named 4+, so named because it is the result of collaboration among four architects, Angelika Mosig, Andreas Notter, Jan Papenhagen and Wolfgang Ott working in association with Dauphin’s Swiss designer, Roland Zünd. The lounge pieces radiate style, embody distinction, and are as creative as they are comfortable, says the company.
This fully upholstered lounge chair features a sleek 4-star polished metal base, an automatic return mechanism, a generous medium-high backrest with a uniquely sculptured seat and back design for exceptional comfort and style. The coordinating lounge stool is designed with the same inspiration in mind. Both pieces offer unlimited customizable upholstery options limited only by your imagination.
Also new from Dauphin, Pininfarina’s seating system offers high design and superior comfort, says the company. This compact armchair offers a synchronized movement seat and backrest which reduces space and allows for increased freedom of movement between rows. This allows for greater flow of people and ease of maintenance when cleaning the space. The armchair folds in a precise and noiseless way thanks to a patented device that cushions the movement. Dauphin is a leading provider of adaptive furniture solutions that enable people to thrive and connect in today’s interactive environments. Since the founding in 1969, Dauphin has pursued a commitment to healthy posture by offering products which embody the concept of health and safety in the office. For more information, see the Dauphin Web site.