Defense Department chooses 2012 emerging energy technology installation demos

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by Shane Henson — December 5, 2011—The Department of Defense’s (DOD) Environmental Security Technology Certification Program, DOD’s environmental technology demonstration and validation program, recently announced 27 new projects to demonstrate emerging energy technologies on military installations.

The Installation Energy Test Bed initiative plays a key role in testing, evaluating, and scaling up innovative new energy technologies to improve DOD’s energy security and reduce its facility energy costs. DOD has 300,000 buildings on its installations and spends nearly $4 billion per year on the energy needed to operate them. According to the DOD, demonstrations generate the cost and performance data needed to validate promising technologies, allowing them to be “fielded” and commercialized more rapidly.

This latest round of projects was competitively selected from the 575 proposals submitted by private firms, universities, and federal organizations. The fiscal year 2012 awards cover five areas: smart microgrids and energy storage; advanced component technologies to improve building energy efficiency; advanced building energy management and control technologies; tools and processes for design, assessment, and decision-making associated with energy use; and technologies for renewable energy generation on installations.

On one project, Soladigm Inc., along with partners including DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will demonstrate dynamic windows to optimize solar heat gain and daylighting at the Marine Corps Air Station in Miramar, California. On another project, DOE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and partners will develop and apply a fleet management tool to schedule charging of plug-in electric vehicles at the Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo, California.