DOE announces $28 million to support state energy efficiency efforts

by jbs042310 b3 — April 26, 2010—The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced April 21 that up to $28 million in funding is available to help states lower the cost and increase the availability of energy efficiency retrofits. These programs will reduce energy use and save money for families and businesses across the country, says DOE.

The funding opportunity, administered by DOE’s State Energy Program, will also assist states in developing the necessary policy and program frameworks to stimulate investment in cost-effective, long-term energy efficiency deployments, especially in states that do not currently have aggressive energy savings goals in place.

This competitive funding opportunity is targeted to State Energy Offices (SEO). In the applications, SEOs are encouraged to partner with market participants, including other SEOs, public utility commissions, utilities, program sponsors, trade organizations, financial institutions, educational institutions, retailers, manufacturers, and/or other organizations.

The funding opportunity includes two areas of interest: Strengthening Building Retrofit Markets, for which DOE expects to select and award cooperative agreements by September 30, 2010, and Stimulating Energy Efficiency Action Awards, for which DOE expects to select and award cooperative agreements by September 30, 2010. Applications are due to the Department of Energy by May 24, 2010.