by jbs081209b3 — August 14, 2009—The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced August 10 that more than $20 million in high-end technical assistance is available to federal agencies to help ensure the widest possible implementation of leading-edge energy efficiency technologies across the federal government.
To assist federal agencies in achieving President Obama’s goal of the federal government leading a transformation to a low-carbon emission future, DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) will make available the technical expertise from DOE’s National Laboratories for such projects as cool roofs, greenhouse gas reductions, renewable energy, smart grids, zero energy homes, sustainable buildings, and energy and water retrofits.
Fifteen agencies will share more than $20 million in technical assistance: Architect of the Capital, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Interior, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, Department of Transportation, General Services Administration, Health and Human Services, National Archives, Treasury Department, United Stated Department of Agriculture, and Department of Veteran Affairs
For more information on these and other Recovery Act-related funding opportunities, visit DOE’s Recovery and Reinvestment Web site.