DOE announces schedule for technical energy assistance Webinars

by Brianna Crandall — January 31, 2011—The U.S. Department of Energy has released its February Technical Assistance Program (TAP) Webinars schedule for state, city, county and tribal energy stakeholders. These Webinars will discuss valuable strategies to overcome challenges as well as offer best practices and technical information.

In February, registration is open for Webinars that will address:

  • Strategies for managing construction contractors;
  • Developing an evaluation measurement and verification plan for energy efficiency projects;
  • Financing programs with a focus on RFP and contract terms and conditions;
  • Leveraging funding to integrate renewable energy and energy efficiency;
  • Strategies for optimizing solar installations; and
  • Savings measurement and verification for energy service performance contracting.

DOE’s Solution Center Webcasts page offers the most up-to-date schedule as well as information on presentation materials from past sessions. The Webinar schedule, including a description of each Webinar, and other TAP information will also be posted on the TAP blog. Advanced registration for Webinar attendees is encouraged but not required. Stakeholders are also encouraged to suggest ideas for future Webinar topics on the TAP blog.