by Jbs020810d3 — February 12, 2010—The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has made six high-value datasets publicly available on its new transparency Web page, “Open Government Information.” The datasets include information from DOL’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that will make it possible for anyone in the public to better track health and safety conditions in the American workplace.
The six datasets newly released by the Department of Labor are:
- OSHA Data Initiative—Establishment Specific Injury and Illness Rates:
OSHA collects work-related injury and illness data yearly from more than 80,000 employers within specific industry and employment-size specifications. The agency uses this data for its strategic management plan and as a targeting mechanism for its Site-Specific Targeting enforcement program. Data from 1996 to 2007 is now searchable online. The information includes the establishment name, address, industry, and associated total case rate; days away, restricted and transfer case rate; and days away from work case rate.
- Department of Labor Research and Evaluation Inventory
- Project GATE (Growing America Through Entrepreneurship)
- Public Workforce System Dataset (PWSD)
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Net Impact Evaluation Dataset
- Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA) Registered Farm Labor Contractor Listing
Aside from the six newly released datasets, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) previously released dozens of datasets highlighting employment projections, trends, surveys and statistics, and OSHA made available a dataset to report weekly fatalities and catastrophes as reported by its area offices.