EIA examines impacts of alternate scenarios on energy trends, prices

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by Jbs052410 a3 — May 26 2010—The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Information Administration (EIA) attempted to predict how various scenarios for future economic growth and energy policies will affect the projected U.S. energy use in 2035 in its May 11 release of the full Annual Energy Outlook 2010.

In December 2009, the EIA released its reference case projections for 2035, sometimes referred to as the “business-as-usual” case, but the new release includes 38 alternative cases that examine the sensitivity of those projections to various assumptions about future economic growth, oil prices, and policies.

For instance, the reference case has U.S. energy use growing at 0.5 percent per year, but a slow-growing economy could hold that growth to only 0.1 percent per year, while an overheated economy could increase that to 0.9 percent per year. This scenario also assumes that various tax credits will expire without being renewed and that there are no new policies, such as updated efficiency standards and fuel economy standards.

In contrast, the “No Sunset” case continues current tax credits for renewable power, building efficiency, industrial combined heat and power, and biofuels, and it anticipates further increases in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) after 2022. In this scenario, the growth in energy use is nearly the same as in the reference case, but the shift to cleaner energy sources cuts energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by 2.3 percent.

The “Extended Policies” case adds in updated appliance efficiency standards and newly proposed fuel economy standards, but drops biofuels tax credits, assuming the RFS is sufficient to stimulate biofuels demand. That case drops U.S. energy use in 2035 by 3 percent, while also cutting energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by 3.2 percent.