EPA launches Spanish Web site on BP oil spill

by Jbs052110 d3 — May 24, 2010—As part of the ongoing federal response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched a Spanish language Web site to inform the Spanish-speaking public about the spill’s impact on the environment and the health of nearby residents.

Respuesta de EPA al derrame de petróleo de BP en el golfo de México” will contain data from EPA’s ongoing air monitoring along with other information about the agency’s activities in the region, frequently asked questions, and fact sheets.

All of the data EPA collects from its air and water monitoring will be posted to its English version of the site, “EPA Response to BP Spill in the Gulf of Mexico,” and Spanish updates will be provided regularly. EPA is also translating information into the Vietnamese language to reach the population along the Gulf coast. Additional information on the broader response from the U.S. Coast Guard and other responding agencies is available on the Deepwater Horizon Response Web site.