EPA names Top 20 green-powered schools updates other Top 20 lists

by Jbs102809d3 — November 2, 2009—For the first time, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership announced the Top 20 primary and secondary schools nationwide using the most power from renewable energy sources.

The top Green Power Partner schools are reportedly buying nearly 113 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, equivalent to carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) that would be produced from the electricity use of 11,000 American homes for one year.

The five schools using the most green power are:

  1. Austin Independent School District (Austin, TX)
  2. Round Rock Independent School District (Round Rock, TX)
  3. Rochester City School District (Rochester, NY)
  4. Bullis School (Potomac, MD)
  5. The Dalton School (New York, NY)

EPA also updated its other top partner lists for the quarter, including its National Top 50 purchasers list. Intel Corporation, PepsiCo, Kohl’s Department Stores, Whole Foods Market, and Dell Inc. rank as the top five overall of green power purchasers, with Kohl’s pulling ahead of Whole Foods this quarter.

Other lists updated October 25 include the: