Europe adopts binding energy efficiency target requiring 20 percent reduction by 2020

by Brianna Crandall — December 29, 2010—The European Parliament (EP) has adopted a binding agreement calling for a 20 percent increase in energy efficiency by 2020 by implementing effective policies and measures in all economic sectors.

According to the European Commission, if the 20 percent target is met, the European Union (EU) as a whole could save some 100 billion and reduce emissions by almost 800 million tons a year.

The EP voted for the energy-saving target by a large majority—511 to 64, with 57 abstentions—while a smaller majority (336 to 305) agreed to make the targets binding.

The agreement was based on a report authored by EP Member Bendt Bendtsen, an honorary member of the nascent European Alliance to Save Energy (EASE), a sister organization to the 33-year-old U.S.-based Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) and a member of the European People’s Party.

EASE brings together leading businesses, trade associations, civic organizations and politicians working to advance energy efficiency in Europe. ASE President Kateri Callahan urged the U.S. government to emulate the EP’s initiative.