Europe to promote construction sector’s potential to drive low-energy building and restore growth

by Brianna Crandall — August 20, 2012—The European Commission recently placed a strategy on the table to promote the construction sector as a driving force in the creation of jobs and for sustained growth for the economy in general, with the realization that green buildings still have a limited market uptake despite their potential to save energy and costs and to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

The strategy focuses on a few areas: first, stimulating favorable investment conditions, in particular in the renovation and maintenance of buildings (For example, it encourages the take up of the package of up to 120 billion in loans available from the European Investment Bank (EIB) as part of June’s Pact for Growth and Employment.); second, boosting innovation and improving worker’s qualifications by promoting mobility; third, improving resource efficiency, by promoting mutual recognition of sustainable construction systems in the EU; fourth, providing standard design codes of practice to construction companies making it easier for them to work in other Member States; and last, fostering the global position of European construction enterprises to stimulate good performance and sustainable construction standards in third-world countries.

The European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said, “In the current severe economic and social crisis, low-energy buildings are safe and viable investments for society and private investors. The construction sector should see this as an opportunity to innovate and attract new talent. New technologies offer major potential, not only for new houses, but also for renovating millions of existing buildings to make them highly energy efficient in line with the EU 2020 objectives. Let’s not miss this opportunity. The construction sector can become a driver of sustainable growth.”

As a next step, a High Level Forum will be arranged with Member States and sectoral representatives to oversee the implementation of the strategy and make recommendations on any necessary adjustments or new initiatives to be launched. Meanwhile, thematic and other groups will discuss various approaches for the implementation of specific initiatives, appraise the likely effects of existing actions at national and sectorial level on the specific initiatives, and identify opportunities for synergies.

For more information see the European Commission’s ME/610.