Federal agencies partner to foster growth in green jobs

by jbs052809 e3 — June 1, 2009—The White House announced May 26 that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and other federal agencies have committed to new agency partnerships that will help encourage job growth for a new green economy. DOE is responsible for distributing much of the clean energy funding included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

DOE has agreed to notify the Department of Labor as funding commitments are made and jobs are created. DOL will, in turn, provide that information to local One-Stop Employment Centers, which will connect unemployed workers with jobs, training, and education opportunities, while the Department of Education will help identify the educational resources needed for worker training.

DOE will also work with the departments of Education and Labor to help create career development opportunities in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy. In addition, DOE will conduct outreach to employers and industry-related organizations to help the departments of Education and Labor identify standards, assessments, best practices, accreditations, and certifications needed for careers in the energy sector.

The Labor Department also announced plans to release $500 million from the Recovery Act for grants that will help prepare workers for careers in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors. In addition, the Labor Department will work with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to bring green jobs (.pdf file) training and employment to public housing residents.