First LEED Platinum multi-tenant office certified in California

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by Jbs042310e3 — April 26, 2010—International real estate firm Hines recently announced that 560 Mission Street in San Francisco has received Platinum certification under the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) 2009 for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance Rating System. According to Hines, it is the first multi-tenant building in California to achieve this distinction.

560 Mission Street, also known as the JP Morgan Chase Building, is a 667,000-square-foot, 31-story office building that was developed by Hines in 2002. With five Energy Star labels and a current rating of 97, the building is 60 percent more energy efficient than the national average office building, notes Hines.

Green retrofits and features include:

  • a comprehensive retro-commissioning program;
  • reduction in overall indoor water use by 36 percent;
  • monthly landfill diversion of 75 percent through recycling, composting and durable goods disposal;
  • retrofit lighting system by installing highly efficient low-mercury lamps;
  • enhanced automated indoor air quality and filtration systems;
  • a high-performance green cleaning program;
  • installation of drought-tolerant and low-maintenance landscaping; and
  • implementation of Hines’ Green Office for Tenants program to increase sustainability in occupant spaces.

560 Mission Street is 100 percent leased to JPMorgan Chase, with subtenants such as Accenture, ARUP, TIAA-CREF, and Zurich North America. The building is Hines’ sixth LEED-certified property in downtown San Francisco.

Hines has received the EPA’s Energy Star Sustained Excellence Award three times, and has labeled more than 147 buildings and 12 development or redevelopment projects through Energy Star. Hines also has 192 projects in various stages of certification under several LEED rating systems. The company is highly involved in various green building councils around the world.