Frost & Sullivan: Disruptive technologies to drive development of future-ready smart workplaces

"SIXMIX" Framework highlights key technologies to envision workplaces of the future across sectors

by Brianna Crandall — May 4, 2015—Enterprises are constantly transforming the way they manage their business assets, employees and customers by implementing advanced technologies, according to a new report from global growth partnership company Frost & Sullivan. The need for real-time information to accelerate decision-making processes, manage remote employees, individual workers and distributed value chain vendors, and secure the connected open infrastructure, is compelling enterprises to adopt more intelligent workplace management techniques. Thus, technologies that drive machine and human intelligence are expected to continue to play an important role in business management across enterprises globally.

Frost & Sullivan’s new analysis identified six key areas for technology implementation within an enterprise that have the power to completely transform an organization’s capabilities in terms of innovativeness, manageability and efficiency. With an in-depth understanding of the transformational areas, Frost & Sullivan is introducing a novel framework called “SIXMIX.” The six key focus areas for developing the Smart Enterprise Framework are Security, Intelligence, X-as-a-Service, Mobility, Internet of Things, and eXperiental Learning (thus “SIXMIX”); the mixture of these areas is essential for a digital workplace to operate efficiently and help an organization gain the cutting edge over its competitors.

“With global economic pressures to lower the cost of operations and services as well as improve business efficiency and productivity, enterprises are adopting technological support to effectively bridge the gap between business operations and customer demands,” said Technical Insights Industry Analyst Swapnadeep Nayak. “In line with these trends, several disruptive technologies such as data management, analytics, social media, mobiles and cloud computing are converging to meet evolving needs.”

Using these pioneering technologies, enterprises can move beyond communicating with key stakeholders to attaining a better understanding of market demands and business operations for effective strategy implementation. Enterprises will also be able to transform every segment of their business processes and become future-ready smart workplaces by leveraging the convergence of emerging technology concepts.

“As outsourcing and offshoring businesses across the globe lack technological support, companies need to become independent of them to gain a competitive advantage over rivals,” noted Technical Insights Research Analyst Debarun Guha Thakurta. “Moreover, companies must identify technologies that can help them apply strategies for better engagement and interaction with their customers.”

Frost & Sullivan offers complimentary access to more information on this research with a brief registration. The complete report, Technologies Empowering the Smarter Workplace: Innovation, Collaboration and Creativity will ensure better workplaces of the future, a part of Frost & Sullivan’s Technical Insights subscription, is available for purchase from the company’s Web site. The report analyzes and assesses the technologies and innovations that are supporting the development of smarter workplaces. Further, this research service includes detailed technology analysis and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.