Frost & Sullivan: Security, monitoring needs drive growth of network recording systems

by Brianna Crandall — June 13, 2016 — Steady deployment of cloud computing and Big Data solutions by companies is highlighting the need to secure data as well as create centralized management systems that provide full visibility into the networks of branch offices. These factors, coupled with the boom in remote devices and regulatory requirements to store information for a certain amount of time, are boosting demand for network recording systems.

Recent analysis from growth partnership company Frost & Sullivan finds that the market was worth $659.8 million in 2015. This is expected to grow at a strong compound annual growth rate of 24.2 percent to reach $3,012.6 million by 2022. The market is segmented into standalone and integrated systems that record at speeds of 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps) and 10 Gbps and above.

Frost & Sullivan Measurement and Instrumentation Industry Manager Sujan Sami pointed out:

Collecting and analyzing the right data and sharing the results across different locations are critical for companies. This growing focus on centralized monitoring will fuel uptake of sophisticated network recording systems.

However, capital expenditure is an issue with Tier 2 and Tier 3 companies, hindering investment in recording systems. Further, many companies do not see cybersecurity as being completely foolproof. Gaining customer confidence is thus critical for success in this market, says Frost & Sullivan. Vendors must constantly develop and deploy security updates and minimize zero day attacks. Other competitive factors include storage capacity, quality of service (QoS), and one-stop-shop solutions.

Sami noted:

In addition to expanding the customer base to newer geographic regions, growth opportunities exist in 100 Gb deployments. 10 Gb deployments are already at full potential, and there is a steady intake for 40 Gb tools in the market along with several new 100 Gb deployments, which are particularly cost-effective for large data transaction.

The full Global Network Recording Market report is available for purchase from the Frost & Sullivan Web site, as is a free sample.  The report is part of the firm’s Test and Measurement Growth Partnership Service program, along with numerous related studies. All studies included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.