GBCA, GBIG partner to share data, showcase Australian certified green buildings

by Brianna Crandall — May 4, 2015—A new partnership between the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) and the U.S.-based Green Building Information Gateway (GBIG) will showcase Australia’s flourishing green building capabilities to global investors and decision-makers. Access to GBIG will give GBCA members new tools to raise the profile of their work and stay up-to-date on green building trends.

The Green Building Information Gateway (GBIG) is an online platform featuring data and case studies on high-performing green building projects, portfolios, people and places around the world. Professionals can use this information to understand markets and drive projects toward higher levels of achievement and performance.

GBIG currently includes 1.3 million activities representing more than 200 types of certifications, awards, case studies and disclosures in over 5,000 geographic locations, including LEED, Energy Star, BREEAM, DGNB, The EBie Awards, AIA/COTE Top Ten Green Projects, and others. GBIG complements the GBCA’s Green Star Project Directory.

GBIG points out that GBCA’s Green Star-certified projects will now appear in GBIG with the highest level of branding and information quality — a level previously provided only for LEED projects. In the future, GBIG expects to also share award winners, case studies, and more from across Australia.

According to GBIG, GBCA members can now join USGBC members in receiving access to GBIG features that allow them to create professional profiles, add roles to project and buildings, create and share custom collections, and track buildings and places. While the database is freely available, GBCA members will have special access to additional features, such as regular updates on new certifications, awards, case studies, disclosures, and other green building activities.