by AF 0913 h5 — September 16, 2009—Meridian Systems, a Plan-Build-Operate technology solutions leader for project-based organizations, has announced that the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Public Buildings Service (PBS) has awarded Meridian Systems an additional contract to address new requirements as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Meridian will also accelerate field training and deployment of the electronic project management (ePM) solution that is built upon Proliance software from Meridian Systems.
ePM is a critical solution for the GSA to manage new facility construction and renovations of existing government buildings, including court houses and border control stations. The GSA originally selected Proliance in 2008, recently completed its pilot phase and is moving ahead to roll out the system to more than 3,200 users, says Meridian.
With the additional project volume resulting from ARRA, the GSA is expanding and accelerating its roll-out of Proliance across the country. As part of the additional contract, Meridian is providing expanded configuration services
To fast track training across all 11 GSA regions, Meridian has also put in place a field deployment team of 12 trainers located across the country. They will provide training and mentoring to GSA staff, as well as their project teams of construction managers and general contractors. The field deployment team will provide just-in-time training for new projects as they are initiated and will facilitate user adoption of the GSA’s ePM system.
PBS is the largest public real estate organization in the country, with an inventory of more than 342 million square feet of workspace.
For more information visit the Meridian Web site.