by Brianna Crandall — October 12, 2016 — A new report from Navigant Research examines the market for demand response management systems (DRMSs), offering an analysis of market issues, key technologies, and the competitive landscape, with global forecasts, segmented by region and sector, through 2025.
Some utilities have deployed DRMSs as a way to manage their portfolios of demand response (DR) programs, address existing compliance and financial risks, and increase customer satisfaction. As the utility landscape becomes more complex, numerous vendors are entering this market, offering solutions that can assist with renewables integration, reduced customer costs, and grid stability. According to the report, global DRMS spending is expected to grow from $46.1 million in 2016 to $232.3 million in 2025.
Brett Feldman, principal research analyst with Navigant Research, commented:
As the scale and complexity of DR programs has increased over the last decade, operational reliability has become more critical, and the choices of communication protocols and devices have expanded. There is a need for more centralized management and control, similar to the power generation side of the electricity market.
Although DR plays an important role in low-carbon policies and regulations, the changing resources mix, and evolving utility business models, vendors note that uptake of demand response management systems has been slow. According to the report, the key barriers to further adoption are utilities finding funds to pay for these systems and the complexity of DRMS integration with other utility systems.
The report, Demand Response Management Systems, analyzes the DRMS market, covering residential, commercial and industrial, on-premise, and software as a service (SaaS) solutions. The study provides an analysis of the market issues, including drivers and implementation barriers, associated with DRMSs.
Global market forecasts, segmented by region and sector (investor-owned utilities, federal/state-owned utilities, municipal utilities, electric cooperatives, distribution system operators, and retailers), extend through 2025. The report also examines the key technologies related to DRMSs, as well as relevant case studies and the competitive landscape. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research Web site.