report: U.S. companies made “bigger, bolder” green commitments in 2010

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by Brianna Crandall — February 11, 2011— has issued its fourth annual State of Green Business report. The free, downloadable report measures the sustainability progress of U.S. business and the economy, and highlights key environmental trends in corporate culture.

“Companies are thinking bigger and longer-term about sustainability—a sea-change from their otherwise notoriously incremental, short-term thinking,” writes Joel Makower, executive editor of and principal author of the report.

“And during these tough times, many have doubled down on their sustainability activities and commitments. During 2010, we saw a steady march of progress, with some of the world’s biggest companies and brands putting a stake in the ground in the name of environmental (and, sometimes) social sustainability.”

Evaluating data as to whether U.S. companies are making any real progress, the researchers found mixed results: practices such as paper use and recycling, cleantech investments, and the growth of LEED certification show consistent progress, while corporate reporting, telecommuting and carbon intensity remain weaker.