Keep these antiseptic wipes on hand to protect cleaning staff and first responders from bloodborne pathogens

by Brianna Crandall — April 23, 2018 — The Hero Wipes brand just announced that it has expanded its product line — which includes the original Hero Wipes FIRE, said to be the first and only on-site decontamination wipes specifically formulated for firefighters that have been tested and proven effective in removing cancer-causing carcinogens — to tackle another threat faced by first responders as well as cleaning staff and others: bloodborne pathogens.

Red packages of decontamination wipes in an EMS worker's pocket

Hero Wipes EMS antiseptic wipes for bloodborne pathogens join the original Hero Wipes (shown here) for decontamination from cancer-causing agents. Image courtesy Hero Wipes

With the launch of Hero Wipes EMS, first responders and anyone else who risks coming into contact with someone else’s blood, whether laboratory or healthcare workers, or housekeeping and cleaning personnel, now have antiseptic wipes that effectively clean and kill 99.9 percent of germs to reduce the risk of infection that bloodborne pathogens present.

What are bloodborne pathogens?

According to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms present in blood than can cause disease in humans. Workers who respond to emergencies or clean or work in locations where blood may have been spilled or where used syringes may be encountered, such as crime scenes, labs or healthcare facilities, are at risk for serious and life-threatening illnesses. OSHA provides a Bloodborne Pathogens standard that provides for what employers should do to protect workers.

As exposure to needlesticks and bloodborne pathogens is the second most common type of injury to emergency medical services (EMS) providers, according to a research study by the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH), Hero Wipes endeavored to create a product that addressed their needs.

The team at Hero Wipes held listening sessions with several first responders regarding their concerns about bloodborne pathogens whereby the key takeaways included:

  • Encounters with blood and thus bloodborne pathogens are common.
  • There is a need for a product that is durable and effective.
  • Hard-surface disinfectant wipes are sometimes made available; however, they’re harsh on skin and federally prohibited to use as personal care.

Hero Wipes EMS as an effective solution

Utilizing the company’s experience in formulating and creating wipe products, Hero Wipes EMS was created as a safe and effective healthcare wipe. The antiseptic wipes are engineered to be thick and stretchable enough to stand up to vigorous use in cleaning. The product also features an exceptional absorption quality, and log reduction testing showed it kills 99.9 percent of germs, says the company. Moreover, as with original Hero Wipes, Hero Wipes EMS are designed to be kind to skin.

The product is also EWG VERIFIED for its commitment to using safe ingredients, providing transparency, and engaging in quality manufacturing practices.

Hero Wipes EMS also complies with OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens standard requirements and meets the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guideline for hand hygiene in healthcare settings.

Hero Wipes EMS are being showcased this week at FDIC International in Indianapolis, IN, along with the company’s original Hero Wipes FIRE, its on-site decontamination wipe. Launched in 2017, Hero Wipes FIRE are touted as the only wipes on the market specifically designed for firefighters, and that have been tested and shown to effectively remove harmful toxins, namely the flame retardant TCEP and Benzopyrene (BaP), which is commonly found in soot.

Eve Yen, founder and CEO of Diamond Wipes International, parent company of Hero Wipes, stated:

With our original Hero Wipes, we educated ourselves about the very real cancer threat that firefighters are facing, and we put our capabilities to work to create the only tested on-site decon wipe available. Now, with Hero Wipes EMS, we are utilizing that same ingenuity to make a wipe that is remarkably effective and also meets rigorous standards for safety. We are very confident that Hero Wipes EMS will serve the needs of first responders.

For more information or to order, visit the Hero Wipes Web site.