HHS’s NAA unveils Healthcare Safety Dashboard to track national progress on reducing patient and workforce harm

February 7, 2025 — In December, the National Action Alliance for Patient and Workforce Safety (NAA) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched the National Healthcare Safety Dashboard, an online resource that aggregates hospital safety data from four primary measurement sources. Thus, the dashboard creates one comprehensive resource for understanding the current state of patient and workforce safety.

Then-HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra’s Health Workforce Initiative works to bring together all the different areas across the Department that are focused on workforce issues, to help maximize the impact of their efforts.

NAA is a collective of federal agencies and private partners led by the HHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The AHRQ National Advisory Council, which makes recommendations to the HHS secretary and director on healthcare improvement efforts, has established a goal of reducing patient and workforce harm by 50 percent from its pandemic-driven high by 2026.

The National Healthcare Safety Dashboard makes national safety data more transparent, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of healthcare safety by care setting, beginning with hospital care. It opens doors to information and best practices to empower healthcare provider organizations, patient advocates, policymakers, professional associations and others to monitor national safety progress and make informed decisions to improve safety nationwide.

The initial version of the dashboard offers access to hospital safety data and will expand to include other healthcare settings, such as ambulatory clinics and nursing homes. The data sources include:

Dr. Robert Valdez, then-AHRQ director, noted that the tool “allows the healthcare community to track progress and identify areas where we can together drive meaningful change. The dashboard represents a significant advancement in making care delivery safer, more transparent and accountable.”

As suggested in the National Action Plan for Patient Safety, healthcare organizations can recommit to their safety journey by conducting a baseline safety self-assessment to identify priority areas for improvement. From there, they can access the NAA’s various tools and resources, including a curated list of federally sponsored safety tools, implementation initiatives open for recruitment, peer group learning activities and funding opportunities supporting targeted safety improvements.

As healthcare organizations implement these initiatives and work collectively across the NAA, the National Healthcare Safety Dashboard becomes an essential tool that allows the healthcare community to monitor progress and offers insights to guide further action.

The National Healthcare Safety Dashboard is now live and accessible to the public. Given the importance of this topic, HHS also will work with partners to enhance the dashboard with additional data sources, such as workplace safety, other provider types and stratified data where available. HHS welcomes feedback on the dashboard, which can be shared via email at NationalActionAlliance@hhs.gov.