IAPMO releases green plumbing and mechanical code supplement

by AF0203 g3 — February 5, 2010 IAPMO, the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, has released the Green Plumbing and Mechanical Code Supplement, calling it the most comprehensive document ever created to standardize sustainable residential and commercial plumbing and mechanical systems.

The Green Supplement serves as a complement to any adopted plumbing and mechanical code, bridging the previously troublesome gap between existing codes and established green building programs, says the association. Where code language and green building concepts lack cohesion, the Green Supplement creates harmony by addressing such areas as: use of alternate water sources (gray water, rainwater harvesting); proper use of high-efficiency plumbing products; conservation of hot water; energy conservation in HVAC systems; and training/education in green plumbing systems.

For more information, see the Web site.