IBHS, I.I.I. release disaster preparation infographic

by Brianna Crandall — October 30, 2015—A new infographic from the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) and the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) that can help businesses prepare for disasters was released in conjunction with National Preparedness Month (NPM) in September, which also marks the peak of hurricane season.

IBHS infographic

The new infographic outlines crucial steps businesses need to take to protect both their facilities and finances in the event of a natural disaster.

The infographic, “Don’t Let a Storm Blow Away Your Profits; Is Your Business Ready for Peak Hurricane Season?” outlines crucial steps businesses need to take to protect both their facilities and finances in the event of a natural disaster — including maintaining an up-to-date business inventory and disaster continuity plan; regularly inspecting buildings and equipment; and insuring against both property damage and business disruptions.

“Businesses that plan for a disaster have the best chance of surviving, and that starts with identifying the potential risks,” pointed out Loretta Worters, a vice president with the I.I.I. “Large businesses have risk managers, but small business owners have to be their own risk managers and, working with their insurance professional, determine the right type and amount of insurance to be able to recover from a disaster.”

“It is also critical for small business owners to create and / or update their business continuity plan and work with employees so they are prepared for the potential effects of a disaster. Taking time to do this now will save money and time later,” said Gail Moraton, IBHS business resiliency manager.

Visit the Business Protection section of the IBHS Web site and the Business Insurance section of the I.I.I. Web site for more information.


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